Bandai Spirits Gundam Metal Build Crossbone Gundam X3 Exclusive
From the Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam manga series, Crossbone Gundam X-3 enters the Metal Build line by Bandai. Made of die-cast and plastic, Crossbone Gundam X-3 stands 6.70 inches tall and includes a multitude of weapons and accessories.
- Stands about 6.7 inches
- Made of plastic and diecast
- From the Manga Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
- Includes:
- Crossbone X3 Gundam figure
- 2 Heads
- 4 Pairs of hands
- Extra right hand
- Interchangeable antenna parts
- Core Fighter
- Core Fighter joint parts
- Buster Gun
- Warhead
- Muramasa Blaster
- Muramasa Blaster joint
- Muramasa Blaster effect
- Beam Saber
- 2 Beam Saber blades
- 2 Heat Dagger blades
- 2 Scissor Anchor chains
- 2 Chain Webs
- Stand