Bandai Spirits Mobile Suit Gundam Robot Spirits MS-06F Zaku II F2 Kimberlite Base Type (Ver. A.N.I.M.E.) Exclusive
From the Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory anime comes a Robot Spirits figure of the iconic Zaku II F2 in Kimberlite Base colors! This exclusive figure includes interchangeable hands to hold its weaponry along with an extra storage deck.
- Stands about 5 inches
- Made of plastic
- From Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory
- Kimberlite Base Type
- Includes:
- Zaku II F2 figure
- 8 Alternate hands
- Hand storage deck
- Commander head
- Recare armor head
- MMP-78 120mm Zaku machine gun
- Spare drum machine
- Anti-aircraft shell magazine
- Heat hawk
- Heat hawk storage
- Raketen bazookas
- 2 Hand grenades
- Spare magazine
- Anti-aircraft shell spare magazine
- Triple missile pods
- MMP-80 Machine gun
- Sturm Faust
- Zaku bazooka
- Joints
- Effect parts